HAMLET — The Richmond County School District is pleased to recognize Savannah Shepard for her acceptance into the 2022 N.C. Governor’s School program.
The Governor’s School of North Carolina is the oldest statewide summer residential program for gifted and talented high school students in the nation. Selected students enjoy four weeks of concentrated study in a specific academic discipline or performing/visual arts area on two college campuses: Governor’s School West at Winston-Salem State University and Governor’s School East at Meredith College in Raleigh.
Shepard, a rising senior at Richmond Early College High School, will study the natural sciences at Governor’s School East on the campus of Meredith College.
“I am excited to be attending this amazing program, for I have worked hard to apply and get accepted into Governor’s School. This is important for me because I know that all my work has paid off and that this program will help jumpstart my future,” Shepard remarked.
Shepard is also a member of the National Senior Beta Club, Fellowship for Christian Students, and previously served on student Senate. When not working on academic endeavors, Savannah is actively involved in the 4-H youth organization and is president of the Richmond County 4-H Livestock Club.
The program is administered by the State Board of Education and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction through the Division of Advanced Learning and Gifted Education. A Board of Governors, appointed by the State Board of Education, acts as an advisory body.