HAMLET — National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week is being observed this week Sept. 19-25 in order to raise awareness about the need for and value of adult education and family literacy.
Richmond Community College has spearheaded a campaign in order to reach the 20 percent of the population in Richmond and Scotland County over the age of 25 who does not have a high school education. Called “Finish for Your Future,” the campaign’s goal is to increase the high school completion rate in the College’s service area.
“Improving the high school completion rate will have a major impact on the community by both increasing economic development through 21st century workplace training and improving the well-being of the community,” said Dr. Dale McInnis, president of Richmond Community College.
Current research suggests that 65 percent of jobs today require an education or training beyond a high school diploma. Studies also show that the fastest growing occupations require education beyond high school. The average high school graduate makes $10,000 more per year than a non-high school graduate. That can result in an increase in lifetime earnings of nearly half a million dollars.
RichmondCC offers Adult High School and High School Equivalency diploma programs for anyone age 16 and older. Classes are offered face-to-face and online.
For those who enter the High School Equivalency program, RichmondCC provides testing for the GED and HiSet.
RichmondCC also has an Adult Basic Education program for adults who have been out of school for a number of years and need a review of the basics, including reading, math, English and other subjects. Once a student meets the goals for each subject, he or she can move to a High School Equivalency class or an Adult High School diploma class.
All adult education classes in Richmond and Scotland counties are open enrollment and self-paced.
RichmondCC’s Adult Education department also offers English as a Second Language classes.
“It’s our mission to provide students of all ages and in all life stages the educational resources they need to get ahead,” said College & Career Readiness Coordinator Hunter Smith.
Part of the Finish for Your Future campaign includes scholarship money. Students who graduate from the Adult High School Diploma and High School Equivalency programs at RichmondCC will be offered up to $1,000 in scholarship funds to continue their education in a college or workforce training program at RichmondCC.
For more information about the Finish for Your Future campaign or enrolling in Adult Education programs at RichmondCC, call 910-410-1771 in Richmond County or 910-410-1831 in Scotland County.