RALEIGH — Girl Scouts–North Carolina Coastal Pines is pleased to announce that Masey Mclaughlin is the Richmond County top seller for the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie Program.
All Richmond County top sellers are from Rockingham. Mclaughlin sold 1,503 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the annual cookie program that ended in March. Madison Tyler placed second with 1,036 boxes sold and Aryanna Cook placed third with 708 boxes sold. The 2021 Cookie Program was held Jan. 16 through March 21, 2021.
Participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program is a long-held and cherished tradition for girls, with recognition as a top cookie seller a coveted honor. Being named a top seller goes beyond what’s in the box as it highlights a girl’s determination to set and achieve goals, develop business and financial literacy skills, and enhance their entrepreneurial spirit. This recognition also demonstrates a girl’s mastery of the five skills: goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics as she runs her very own cookie business. This year posed new challenges due to COVID-19 precautions, and the Girl Scout top sellers persevered to innovate new ways of reaching customers.
“This year we were focused on providing girls with opportunities to develop important skills and earn proceeds for their troops while staying safe during the pandemic,” said Kelly Griffin, product sales director, Girl Scouts–North Carolina Coastal Pines. “The 2021 Girl Scout Cookie Program was like no other, and our top sellers conquered new challenges to reach their goals while providing moments of joy to fellow Girl Scouts and cookie customers alike.”
Girl Scouts–North Carolina Coastal Pines sold over 2 million boxes of cookies with approximately 6,800 Girl Scouts participating in the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie Program. More than 1,500 girls sold more than 400 boxes of cookies each. Additionally, 322 girls sold more than 1,000 boxes each. Council-wide the average number of boxes sold per girl was 300. Nationally the average number of boxes sold by Girl Scouts is approximately 165. This year, girls throughout the council collected donations to send 50,232 boxes of cookies to men and women proudly serving our country through Operation Cookie Drop. This culminates in over a million boxes delivered through this council-wide service project since its inception in 2005.
Joining the Richmond Girl Scouts, the overall council top sellers are Allison Bundle, Jayleena Gilmore, and Haley Emmett. Bundle of Onslow County placed first by selling 7,100 boxes, Gilmore of Craven County placed second with 6,500 boxes, and Emmett of Harnett County placed third with 5,834 boxes.
“I have learned through the Girl Scout Cookie Program how to run a business, promote my product, interact with people, and be successful,” said council top seller Allison Bundle. “My troop plans on using our proceeds for a trip to Dollywood, badges and Girl Scout activities, and to help fund our Gold Award projects.”
For more information on the Girl Scouts Cookie Program, please visit our website at www.ncccoastalpines.org.