ROCKINGHAM — Richmond County Partnership for Children was the recipient of a Pee Dee Electric Care to Share Grant.
The $5,000 grant will be used to update the existing telecommunication systems, which will allow access to several features that help improve office communications. These features will allow personnel to receive voice mails through a email and a smartphone app. Updating this system will avoid delays connecting with vulnerable families needing RCPC services and delivering program services due to system and hardware malfunctions and upgrades.
The Partnership will be hosting a Resource Drive-Thru on Friday, June 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 115 S. Lawrence St, Rockingham.
Community members are invited to come and learn about different organizations that provide services to Richmond County.
Vendors include Sandhills Children’s Center, Richmond County Health Department, Pee Dee Pregnancy Resource Center, Drug Endangered Family Task Force, Improving Community Outcomes for Maternal and Child Health, City of Rockingham, Rockingham Housing Authority, and FirstHealth of the Carolinas.
The first 25 children under the age of 8 will receive a coupon for a cold treat from Speckled Paw or Sunset Slush.
“Walk-thrus” are welcome for those without vehicle access, but please follow social guidelines.
For more information, please call 910-997-3773.