RichmondCC to offer cyber security continuing education training course in August

RichmondCC to offer cyber security continuing education training course in August

HAMLET — There has never been a better time than now to know the importance of cyber security in this modern digital frontier. We live in a world of speed, service and convenience, which puts us at a higher risk for outside attacks. 

Network outages, computer viruses and many other cyber related threats affect our everyday lives. These can range from very minor inconveniences to serious attacks threating financial medical care and hospitals, power companies, food and fuel supplies, local governments, education, law enforcement agencies and many other goods and services. 

“Cybersecurity is increasingly important for everyone as we, as a society, continue to connect more of our daily lives to the Internet. Our businesses, military, and government are more remote and cloud based than ever before,” said Brian Goodman, Cyber Security instructor at RichmondCC.

In today’s dynamic environment, cyber security has become vital for individuals, families and organizations that gather and store confidential information. For individuals, it is important to protect your personal information. For families, protecting your children’s safety and family members from cyber-crime is essential. 

“Recent cyber-attacks have demonstrated the fragility of our supply chain and infrastructure. Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity education is something that applies to everyone in every job role,” said Goodman.

Richmond Community College offers three cyber security pathways including: a curriculum track that a student can earn a degree, diploma or certificate, a dual-enrollment path for high school students at Richmond Senior High school with in interest in cyber security and new this fall a a short-term training program  which is designed around industry specific certifications. Regardless of a person’s knowledge on cyber security awareness the college has options for every skill level. 

Cyber Security Option New this Fall 

RichmondCC will offer a Cyber Security Training program starting Sept. 11 running through Dec. 18 that meets online and every other Saturday at the Robinette Building in Downtown Rockingham. This program is intended for those who want to add to their education. 

This 14-week course will prepare students for the CompTIA Network+ and CompTIA Security+ credentialing exams, as well as for a career in Cyber Security. The class will cover common cyber-attacks, identifying threats and basic principles of networking and security.

Those interested in taking this class should have a two-year degree or completion of at least 60 curriculum credit hours from an accredited institution.

According to Career Coach, an online career planning tool through RichmondCC, there are have been over 2.239 cyber security related jobs posted within a 5-mile radius of Richmond Community College in the last three years.

For more information about the short-term Cyber Security program starting this fall, contact Leighton Bell, program development director at 910-410-1775 or To learn more about the cyber security degree program, contact Lance Barber, program coordinator for information technology at 910-410-1911 or


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