Wildlife Commission to swear In 18 new cadets Tuesday

Wildlife Commission to swear In 18 new cadets Tuesday

PINEHURST — The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Law Enforcement Division will swear in 18 new wildlife law enforcement officers at a graduation ceremony tomorrow, July 20, at 1 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Pinehurst located at 7373 Hwy. 211 in West End.

The ceremony will celebrate the 57th Basic School graduating class of the Wildlife Commission. Each new officer will take an oath to enforce criminal laws, including conservation and boating laws, and to faithfully and impartially execute the duties of a law enforcement officer in North Carolina.

After graduation, each new wildlife officer will begin six months of on-the-job training under the supervision of a veteran wildlife officer. Upon completion of field training, each officer will be assigned a permanent duty station.

The graduating officers are:

  • Tyler Barber of Granite Falls, N.C.
  • Kristofer Blankenship of Albemarle, N.C.
  • Jacob Bosley of Friendsville, Md.
  • Sarah Campbell of Thomasville, N.C.
  • Aaron Carter of Lumberton, N.C.
  • Joshua Doshen of Currituck, N.C.
  • Jacob Dyer of Purlear, N.C.
  • Zachary Hayes of Carthage, N.C.
  • Andre’ Jones of Jackson, Miss.
  • Kirby Lambert of Robbins, N.C.
  • Michael Lott of Woodbridge, Va.
  • Justice McCormick of Lilesville, N.C.
  • Jason Munson of Massena, N.Y.
  • Devon Schaffer of Pueblo, Colo.
  • Walker Shelton of LaGrange, N.C.
  • Damon Smith of Stanfield, N.C.
  • William Weaver of Shelby, N.C.
  • Erin Woriax of Red Springs, N.C.

All wildlife law enforcement officer trainees are required to pass an extensive background, psychological and physical screening before entering an intensive accredited academy conducted by the Law Enforcement Division.

The majority of basic law enforcement training is held at the N.C. Department of Public Safety Samarcand Training Academy in Jackson Springs. Officers complete conservation-specific training on fish and wildlife laws, motorboat accident investigation and protected species. Instruction covers statutory and investigation procedures, defensive tactics, fish and game laws, and pursuit driving and boating.

More information about careers in wildlife enforcement is available on the agency’s website, ncwildlife.org.lawenforcement.

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